Saturday, December 17, 2011

I dunno


ASSIGNMENT 01: 3 Writers & 3 Stories Part

Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (Pronounnced GUN-DUM Double-OH) is a fantastic series by Sunrise. Assuming you're not familiar with the brand Gundam, Gundam is essentially about war and it's politics and these wars are fought in mobile suits. The faction that the main story usually follows use specially designed mobile suits called Gundams.
This particular Gundam series has the four main Gundam pilots facing off against the whole world and challenging it. The claim to use their Gundams to eradicate war or anyone or anything that promotes war in their Armed Interventions.

Because of the political nature of the series, the dialogue and arguments had in the series are not of the simple of mind. In my opinion, this is one of the more "realistic" Gundam series... Until the Season Season and the movie roll around, then it get's a little far-fetched... Just a little...

Friday, December 16, 2011

ASSIGNMENT 01: 3 Writers & 3 Stories Part 2

A recent story I really like is from the recent 2010-2011 Japanese Tokusatsu, Kamen Rider OOO.

Kamen Rider (Pronounced COMMON Rider) is a show about masked superheroes that has been going on for 40 years, even this year's Kamen Rider Fourze was based upon that fact. Needless to say, every year there has been a new Kamen Rider.

The iteration of Kamen Rider OOO tells the story of Hino Eiji, typically a modern-day nomad, enjoying the journey and helping random people, but he has no dreams and desires of his own. He takes jobs on occasion to earn money for food and his beloved next day's underwear. Of course the part time job he takes at the Kougami Museum throws Eiji into the 800 year old struggle for the Cell and Core Medals, the source of power in the series, against the animal-based Greeed monsters. During that incident, he meets the Bird-Type Greed, Ankh who was revived only as an arm for some unexplained reason. Ankh takes advantage of the naivety of Eiji and gives him the OOO Driver belt to become Kamen Rider OOO. Eiji takes advantage of this opportunity to use this power to save lives.

My favorite part about this show is that it deeply analyzes the aspect of human desire, where is stems from, and how it changes the world.

Kamen Rider OOO is written by Yasuko Kobayashi, known for the screenplays of Seijuu Sentai GingamanMirai Sentai TimerangerKamen Rider Ryuki, Kamen Rider Den-O, and Samurai Sentai Shinkenger. Her first project was known as Tokusou Robo Janperson where she was a sub-writer (episode 40 only).

Friday, December 2, 2011

ASSIGNMENT 01: 3 Writers & 3 Stories Part 1

This particular video showcases an anniversary game.

One particular story I like is that of the Mega Man Battle Network series.

"The series is set in the year 200X; the Internet has become integrated with almost every piece of electronic equipment in existence (from TVs to ovens). In fact, it's become so complicated that special programs called Net Navigators are needed to efficiently process all of the data. Net Navigators (NetNavis for short) are stored in hand-held devices called Personal Terminals (PET). These devices act as phones, pagers, instant messengers, news beams, and hacking devices all rolled into one, essentially making them portable computers. The main characters of the series are a fifth-grader named Lan Hikari, and his NetNavi best friend MegaMan.EXE. Although MegaMan.EXE has no body (unless the PET device itself counts), he can wander around in cyberspace and explore computer systems as if they were alternate worlds. Together, Lan and MegaMan.EXE  cooperate to fight off hackers and viruses"

The story spans across 6 main games and 3 spinoff games.

My favorite part about the series is that even though there's all this fantasy, nonsense, clear impossibility of so many different aspects, there's this sense of realism somewhere in there. Even through all this cartoon animated fighting, it gives you that sense that JUST MAYBE, this could be real someday.

Producer,and co-creator of Mega Man, Keiji Inafune and Director, Masahiro Yasuma worked very hard on this saying creating the game and the story was a very difficult task.

Keiji Inafune's  education is unknown to me at the moment, but he started working for Capcom in 1987 searching for a job as an illustrator at age 22. He assisted in the development of Mega Man and as a result became known at the father of Mega Man. He worked at Capcom for 23 years and the left to create two new companies; Comcept and Intercept, both established in December 2010.

And I honestly cannot find any information on Masahiro Yasuma other than the fact that he work for a handful of Mega Man games.

The Mega Man Anniversary Collection for GameCube I have has a video interview with Keiji and his final quote is "Always follow your dreams and never give up. Keep fighting and surely you will achieve your goal."


There's no more time anymore. None at all. You wake up, go to class, get homework, and then right after you get the foolish idea of going back home to sleep or the smart idea of go and do your homework. Regardless of your choice, there's always more homework for you to finish. When the time comes that you finish it, you suddenly have more homework. Like, I get that college is a LOT of work, but I barely have enough time to do my laundry. I'd rather not got to class in underwear I've been wearing for the past 3 days. And the homework takes forever, honestly, I feel like I've given homework as if other classes don't exist. Getting this work done and then trying to make it good enough for my portfolio is already a hassle enough. I've lowered my class number to four a week, it's a little better, but of course the fact that they are most certainly getting harder is not helping. And then jobs, need one, but already know that once I have one, school will take over, the job will take over, have them balanced out but have no time for anything else. Really, it's a pain in the butt. No time for anything. My sleeping schedule is so messed up that I even end up oversleeping and missing class because of working on other work so hard. My body certainly appreciates the extra sleep, but my grades certainly don't. All this work, no play is really getting to me. I'm not going crazy yet, so that's a good thing. My life could certainly do without the stress, but I guess in the end it'll be all worth it. I guess when you think about it, working in the real world of animation may not be much different, but it will become a welcome change. Working on movies and cartoons to make a deadline, it'll be difficult; no question. I just hope school becomes a good warm-up for the crunch time that is to come. All those sleepless nights and worn out days will probably become even worse than they are now. Then again, at least I'll be working on something I enjoy. That's one thing I very grateful about. Even though school is just a pain, in the meantime I get to work on the things that motivate, inspire, and make me draw and create like there's no tomorrow. I love what I do.